Dr.Saipin Chotivichien Director Bureau of Nutrition
The Bureau of Nutrition, under the Department of Health, is committed to advancing public health through improved nutrition. Our overarching goals are to enhance the nutritional well-being of individuals across all age groups and empower them to make informed dietary choices.
To achieve these goals and address all forms of malnutrition, we have developed the National Plan of Action for Nutrition (NPAN) 2023-2027, a comprehensive five-year strategic framework aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 2: Zero Hunger and SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being, as well as the global nutrition targets for children under five.
This national framework prioritizes key initiatives, including:
Reducing stunting, wasting, and childhood obesity
Strengthening school and community nutrition programs
Preventing micronutrient deficiencies
Promoting health literacy
Creating an enabling environment for healthy eating while mitigating health risks for the Thai population
Our flagship projects include The Miracle of 1,000 Days Plus (extending to 2,500 days of life),School Nutrition Programs, the Less-Sweet Drink Campaign,Healthy Canteens and Healthy Menus, as well as the Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD) and Iron Deficiency Anemia Prevention and Control Programs.
Additionally, the Bureau of Nutrition operates a nutrition laboratory dedicated to analyzing food composition data in Thailand. Currently, we are prioritizing efforts to combat childhood obesity through multi-stakeholder collaboration under the National Committee for the Prevention and Management of Childhood Obesity, including the development of draft regulations to restrict the marketing and advertisement of food and beverages that negatively impact children's health.
Through these strategic actions, we remain committed to improving the nutritional status of the Thai population and fostering a healthier future for Thailand.